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Great News - Spring of 2025 my work will be offering more options of service and spiritual growth. 


I am transitioning from my work from a full time medium and mentor onto the profound and purposeful path of investigating missing person cases, I am wholeheartedly embracing a calling that unites my intuitive abilities with a deeper sense of service. My new endeavor is fueled by passion for uncovering the truth and bringing resolution to families and victims, while shining a beacon of hope for those desperately searching for answers. Mediumship has allowed me to provide healing, which I still will be offering. However, I have had an undeniable pull to use my abilities to assist loved ones who are devastated by a missing loved one. While shedding light on unsolved cases. Look for more updates with classes, courses and an Investigation Team - to unfold. 

White Structure
Image by Kevin Schmid

Available Now!

Free on Tubi TV

Season One 
White Structure

"Passed but Present" is a TV docu-series

featuring Evidential Medium, Jennifer Brazier.  

The Series Mission is to bring awareness to the truth

of the afterlife and that our souls continue on after we die.

What The Series Involves:

In each episode, Jennifer Brazier is taken to a new location where she uses her highly attuned senses to communicate the stories of real people by giving those in the unseen world the opportunity to have a voice once again and inviting them to share their stories with her.


Each message that she receives is later validated and proven to be real. Jennifer is not aware of the locations that she is going to, only the general vicinity. In some cases, she is blindfolded before entering a specific area to experience the memories of those that lived there before.

Would you like proof your loved ones have survived what we refer to as death?

Evidence that they are aware of your life without them? 

Hear details that their love for you is as strong now, if not stronger?  

What is it YOU want to know from your loved one?

“It is my goal to make Spirit communication a common conversation.” 
-Jennifer Brazier

At the time of physical death, the Soul leaves the body. This perfect Soul holds all the memories, love and understanding of this life. It is immediately reunited with loved ones who have passed before them, holding them close.  The Soul begins to heal.  There is never suffering, no matter how they left us. Know that they do not get lost or stuck, nor are gone forever. Their Soul has returned to the Spirit World or the Other Side…to a beautiful place of never-ending love and acceptance that Jennifer Brazier likes to call “Home.” And the most wonderful news is that we are still able to communicate with them. 


Love never dies!

Foggy Lake

Yes, I am ready to hear
Spirit world.

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My session with Jennifer has changed my life towards a brighter journey... The emotional pain has been replaced with the comfort my loved ones are with me and they are truly happy. Jennifer has given me the gift of happiness and life.                                                      MW  

I’m thrilled to unveil an enlightening interview titled "An Energetic Connection of the Soul" with Sarah Kirton from MysticMag. In our conversation, we delve into my journey as a medium, explore my certification, and discuss my current project, Passed but Present, highlighting the transformative benefits of an authentic session. I also share my deep passion for learning, teaching, and empowering others to enhance their spiritual connections and understanding. Don’t miss out— read the full article here:​

About Jennifer

As an Evidential Medium, Jennifer connects with the essence of the Soul of your loved one.  She provides a reunion of sorts by sharing details and memories with heartfelt messages of comfort. Offering evidence that your loved ones are still present and very much aware of your life without them. Their Soul has acquired a new understanding of their physical journey and learnings.  They want to share this awareness with you.


“I'm thrilled to be that conduit, the go-between, a voice, the medium or the messenger from your loved ones.  Love never dies, nor fades, it just awaits the next opportunity to reconnect with us.”

-Jennifer Brazier

Pink Tulips
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My session with Jennifer has changed my life towards a brighter journey... The emotional pain has been replaced with the comfort my loved ones are with me and they are truly happy. Jennifer has given me the gift of happiness and life.                                                      MW  

Whatever reason you are visiting this site today, enjoy!  

May your soul be nurtured, and your questions answered.


Jennifer Brazier, as a Medium, provides services for guidance only.  All readings and questions answered should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. Individuals must use their own discretion, judgment and common sense at all times and should not break any local, national or international laws. Under no circumstances will Jennifer Brazier, Medium be held liable or responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages arising out of the use of, or inability to use, the information she shares. If you have a medical condition or health concern, always consult your doctor.  For legal reasons I have to advise you that the readings are for entertainment purposes only. Services are not a substitute for professional services and it is advised that you should seek advice from the relevant qualified expert.


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© 2024 by Jennifer Brazier

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site owner and/or author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used provided that full and clear credit is given to Jennifer Brazier, Jennifer Brazier Medium and or the appropriate and proper author in the original content.

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