Jennifer Brazier
Coaching or Mentorship Session
Are you at a precipice or a pivotal moment in your life journey
and looking for guidance?
Have you discovered a personal connection to Spirit and want support in strengthening your abilities?
Jennifer would love to help you live your best life... one where each moment and every decision is aligned with the highest good for all concerned.
She wants to be your challenger and your champion!
Jennifer reserves time for mentoring and coaching people who are committed to a journey of Spiritual development.
Each session will be based on your unique needs and situation.
Interested? Start by completing the Assessment Form accessible through the button on this page.
Interested in Coaching or Mentorship by Jennifer?
To understand how to best support you in your Spiritual journey, Jennifer would like to know your situation, questions, and goals. Begin by completing the Assessment Form accessible through the button below.
Jennifer will email you in the next few days with her personal recommendation for you... whether it be an individual session, a cost-saving package or even a class or book recommendation.
Coaching or Mentorship
Package of 4 Sessions
(1 person)
Four 60 minutes Sessions $500
($600 value, Save $100)
Save with a four session package of Coaching or Mentorship sessions. . Non-transferable. Sessions will be scheduled a minimum of one week between appointments. Each session will be based on your unique needs and situation.
Coaching or Mentorship Package of 8 Sessions
(1 person)
Eight 60 minutes Sessions $1000
($1200 value, Save $200)
A cost-saving opportunity for those who are committed to longer term Coaching or Mentorship. Non-transferable. Sessions will be scheduled a minimum of one week between appointments. Each session will be based on your unique needs and situation.
Jennifer Brazier, as a Medium, provides services for guidance only. All readings and questions answered should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. Individuals must use their own discretion, judgment and common sense at all times and should not break any local, national or international laws. Under no circumstances will Jennifer Brazier, Medium be held liable or responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages arising out of the use of, or inability to use, the information she shares. If you have a medical condition or health concern, always consult your doctor. For legal reasons I have to advise you that the readings are for entertainment purposes only. Services are not a substitute for professional services and it is advised that you should seek advice from the relevant qualified expert.